I am thinking...about how to round out homeschooling for the year. Andrew will be done with his 1st grade curriculum in about a week, and I really want to get him assessed. And we need to find some fun, educational things to do for the last few weeks before summer gets here.
I am thankful for...a good night's sleep. We moved into this new house a week ago, and my breathing's been really bothering me since that first night. So much so that it's been very hard to lie down at night and get any rest. For Nyquil, I am thankful.
From the kitchen...Laura Ingalls Wilder's Whole Wheat Bread, in the form of muffins, are cooling on the rack and making the house smell wonderful. Lunch will be pizza and salad at the store, and dinner leftover chicken corn noodle soup or leftover chicken masala and rice.
I am wearing...comfy pajamas and fluffy slippers.
I am remembering...my grandmother's kitchen. I'm trying to conjure up some depression-era cooking skills, and her kitchen was a curious mix of uber-frugal and completely spendthrift. Maybe that was part of it's charm.
I am going...to work today, as usual on Mondays. And then to the MCCHEO meeting tonight, which I'm really excited about.
I am reading...Glenn Beck's An Inconvenient Book. I love his sarcasm, and it's always refreshing to read his view on the pressing issues of the day.
I am hoping...that God will answer my prayers and allow me to get pregnant again.
On my mind...my friend Kelly, who has an early miracle working hard to grow strong in the NICU. Please stop by and send her some love, and lift her up in your prayers.
I am creating...a headache. Need some more coffee. :)
I am hearing...PBS Kids, the hum of Andrew's new fish tank, the garbage truck making pickups.
Noticing that...this house is so much more cozy than the place we moved from. It's nice to move around with just one layer of clothing.
Pondering these words..."Oompa Loompa Dompaty-Doo". Yeah, not much going on there. My mind doesn't ponder until I'm on my second cup of coffee and out of my PJ's!
Around the house...laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, the endless cycle of cooking-eating-cleaning. All things I'm thankful for - clothes on our backs, indoor plumbing, enough to eat.
One of my favorite things...Andrew's stinky morning breath as his gives me a "good morning" kiss. :P
A Scripture thought...2 Cor 12:19 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Reflecting how strong God must look through us, because we are the epitome of weakness right now.
A few plans for the rest of the week...making some cheesecakes for an order. Finding out more about blogging for Almost Frugal. Getting a plant for Andrew's fish tank, and then maybe a fish. Meeting our new neighbors.
Enjoyed your Daybook!! Isn't it fun to think that you've already nearly finished your 1st year of homeschooling?! It makes you realize just a bit of how much time is utterly & completely wasted in the public schools. Some fun things to do to round out the rest of your school year are a few more field trips w/the nice weather coming on, Staples & Meijers have great little workbooks that will keep their brains active & humming :-), do some fun things like stringing beads - he'll make you some awesome 'mommy' necklaces & it helps w/hand-eye coordination.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're enjoying your new house.
Also...would you 'show' me how to do the trick where you can click on someone's name & go to their blog/website? I could use that.
Saw you at church but I didn't get to talk to you. Loved your hair pulled back w/the twist. :-)
Blessings, Kim<><