
My DBM Necklace

This is the necklace my husband bought for me right after we lost Leila. It has her name and birthday inscribed on the bottom. I'm glad I have something of hers to wear with me everywhere I go. :)


  1. It's so pretty!!! It helps me to wear something to remember Carleigh. Every day I wear her cross necklace with her baby ring on it. I also have a bracelet from My Forever Child that has her footprints, name, and date of birth on it.

  2. Beautiful! I love the idea of a necklace, so that you can keep her "close to your heart"

  3. Oh my goodness. That is so cute! And, precious! I love it. What a sweet, sweet gift.

  4. That is a beautiful necklace. You will cherish it forever.
