(We stopped at an Indian restaurant on the way down, too, which made mom eight different kinds of happy.)

Andrew in the cage (the short guy in the blue shirt). No kidding, this ball "cage" made me wish I was 25 years younger! You could hear the grown-up's plaintive cry "why didn't they have this back when I was a kid?????" Everyone would work together from different stations to fill the Big Bucket with balls, and every so often the buzzer would sound and the blue light start spinning, and the Big Bucket would empty itself and balls rain down on the delighted youngsters (and a few parents, too). What fun! Andrew spent at least an hour in there.

This is Andrew with his Aunt Jeanne and a painted pig. Jeanne has taken on the roll as substitute grandma for Andrew out here in Ohio. She's currently the enrichment coordinator for Riverside, which is the local MR/DD program. He couldn't have made a better friend, and we're so very fortunate to have her as well. :)

Andrew playing in their most awesome water table.

And moving "rocks" in the construction area. (sporting the leftovers from the water table - wet clothes!)
And then, once all the kiddie festivities were over, it was time for some retail therapy. In the form of Jungle Jim's - only the best grocery store EVER! I mean, have you ever been in a grocery store with lions impersonating Elvis? Talk about a funfunfun place! Especially to a wanna-be foodie like myself! We perused the extensive cheese section, the exotic meats (ground kangaroo, anyone?), their amazingly thorough wine cellar, and then it was off to the fun stuff. Ethnic foods! Only every kind you can imagine, from the ubiquitous Mexican, to the rare Holland and Sweden, this place is a treasure trove of interesting foods. I didn't take many pictures there, but there was one photo op I couldn't say no to...

Anyone who has spent some time watching Food Network or the Travel Channel will recognize this bad boy. This fruit is so stinky that many hotels expressly forbid entrance, as it will permeate the atmosphere for days! Why people would want to put something that stinky in their mouths, well, that's another issue altogether. I was just blown away to have seen one IRL! Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you....the Durian!
Thanks Jeanne! It was a fun day, I can't wait for all the other adventures you have planned for us!
I am so thankful that God used a good friend as a tool to help you in your time of need. You need to get out and do things with and for Andrew. I haven't lost a child, but I have watched both my parents pass away at a young age. The thing I've learned through all that is they would not want us mourning and wasting away - life must go on.
ReplyDeleteI love you my blogging sister and wish I could remove your pain but I can't but I can pray for you. That is what I have been doing and will continue to do.
Hi, my name is Stacy and my user name is Stacy From Louisville. I just read your comment on SCL about losing your precious daughter. I'm so sorry for your pain, my heart goes out to you and your family. I read a post you wrote about being sad because Leila's tiny toes will go into your blog archive. As one mom and Christian to another, Leila's life will never be forgotten. She is very much alive in your heart and alive right now in heaven with Jesus. I know it still hurts to be without her here in your arms and there is nothing I can say to comfort that hurt. Today I am praying for your family. And for you, Emily, I'm celebrating the life of your daughter and a day when you will see her again.
ReplyDeleteHe tends his flock like a shepherd: he gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young. Is 41:10